Wednesday, September 10, 2003

First In, Last Out (Part Deux)

Two things happened in the elevator today and I can’t help but add this as a continuation of my First In, Last Out entry.

Peeve #4

I was in the elevator, returning to the office from lunch this afternoon. I was by myself, and very happy that I tricked Mr. Elevator into closing his doors on the first try. To my surprise, as the doors opened on my floor, there was a man standing right in front of the doors, waiting to get in to head down to the lobby. Now, how was I supposed to get out of the elevator when there was someone blocking my exit?

I think a generally good rule of thumb is to always assume that someone is going to get out of the elevator and to stand back or stand to the side. That way, when the elevator doors open, you don’t look like an idiot to an elevator car full of people.

Peeve #5

Why do people talk on their cell phones in the elevator? Listening to people talk on cell phones on a bus is bad enough – but in a confined 5’ x 5’ area is completely unacceptable.

Today there was a man in my apartment building trying to put a call through on his cell phone in the lobby. I got into an elevator and pushed my floor. I heard that man start hurrying towards my elevator car, and feeling that I was in need of some good elevator karma after First In, Last out, I held the “Door Open” button for him. As he got in the car, I realized that he’s still on his cell phone. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but I couldn’t help but overhear. Apparently this man had been trying to get through to someone named Jerry.

“Jerry?” Mr. Cell Phone asked.

“Jerry?” Mr. Cell Phone asked a second time. I think he had poor signal. Gee, I wonder why.

“Yeah, this is John. John. The computers have the latest software installed on them.”

Ooooh, so Mr. Cell Phone-aka-John was on a business call. I guess that should make everything okay then, right? I mean, he’s important, and he has important things to take care of.

“Yeah, the computers have the latest software installed. No, the latest. Yes, the latest software. Okay.” End of conversation.

This conversation took all of 10 seconds. And he couldn’t wait until he got out of the elevator onto his floor because, why? Because Mr. Cell Phone-aka-John was too important, that’s why!

It will never cease to amaze me why people who are trying to talk on their cell phones in elevators do not understand the fact that their signal, if they have any, will be very, very poor. And I consider it to be bad professionalism to attempt to carry on a work-related conversation in the elevator when all that will result will be the “professional” person sounding like a broken record. Later, that person will only have to call again to ensure that everything was heard correctly. I have heard this obnoxious conversation countless times:

“Uh, yeah. Hey, I’m actually getting into an elevator right now. No, elevator. Yeah. So I might lose you. What? I can’t hear you. I might lose you. Hello? Are you there? Hello? Damn.” Cell phone flips shut.

Don’t these people understand? It just ain’t gonna work in there.


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